Home Blog SEO Services Google Chrome OS (Operating System): The Beginning of Great OS War
Nine months have been spent since the launch of Google Chrome. Much have been said and discussed in the last few months about the possibility of an imminent announcement of a new Operating System from Google. Ultimately, the wish has finally fulfilled with Google’s announcement of launching a web based OS which will bring a massive change in the traditional concept of an operating system. An open source version of Google Chrome will be available from the second half of 2010. As expected this announcement has created a furor in the online industry.
There is no doubt in the fact that Google has geared up for the next round of bout with its arch rival, which was initiated with the launched of much hyped decision search engine Bing. It matters a little whether Bing has helped Microsoft to regain its position or not, but it is crystal clear that it has incurred the wrath of Google. This announcement will definitely give Microsoft a run for its money.
Some Features of Google Chrome OS
Google Chrome OS is going to be designed for those who loves to live in the world of web and for those as well who use Internet in every now and then. Checking mail, getting latest updates or sending message to friend will not be cumbersome. No longer you will have to wait for your PC to boot, your browser to start up and to get things under control. Google aims at enabling computers to do these instantaneously by making its Chrome OS simple, light weight and secured. Though initially Google Chrome OS will target netbooks that performs some simple tasks similar to that of net surfing, later it will foray into other fields as well. It will have a minimalist look, which goes well with Google’s user-friendly approach. By using this web browser, users will be able to avoid the possible attacks of malware and virus.
Google has declared that it will work in collaboration with a number of netbook manufacturers for bringing a new series of netbooks in the market that will comply with Google Chrome OS. Users can use either ARM chips or x86 for running Google Chrome OS.
Years of
Chrome OS would be very competitive on Microsoft operating systems. I was thinking that one day, Google would launch an Operating system that would complete with Windows XP or Vista. Google and Microsoft would compete head to head now that Microsft launched its Bing search engine.
Chrome OS is based on Linux and is only available for Netbooks. I wonder if Google would make an OS that would compete with Windows XP or Windows 7.
with the release of Google Chrome and Microsoft Bing search engine, one would expect that there would be a very stiff competition between Google and Microsoft.
i tried Chrome OS and it is pretty much like a scaled down version of Ubuntu. Chrome is just based on Linux and there is nothing new about it.
I have installed Chrome OS on one of my netbooks and the performance of Chrome OS is just okay. there is nothing fancy or very special about it. It was just a sort of GUI version of linux or something.
I use Bing and Google whenever i want to find something on the internet. I think that both search engines are very good.
It is interesting to compare the performance of Bing and Google search but i haven’t seen any difference at all in their performance.
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