Home Blog Website Design Services Optimizing A Flash Website: Better Exposure in Search Engines
Flash is always fraught with frivolous issues that often play spoilsport with its popularity. First, it was the indexing issue (it is still having problems with this issue since most of the people have not yet shrugged off their usual inhibition toward flash) and then comes the loading speed. As Google has declared its apathy towards heavy sites, most website owners are not showing any interest to have a full flash site. But flash based website design does not necessary have to be heavy and non-indexable all the time. You can introduce some dramatic improvements in your flash-based website by following and implementing some simple flash website design tips that can help your flash website to get maximum exposure:
Do not Use Only Images: This is one of those few mistakes that is recurrently committed by most of the flash website designers and developers. Google is unable to crawl images and therefore, the less your will use images the better for your website. By adding text as oppose to images, you will be able to make your website SEO friendly.
Use Alternate Version: – If possible, try to use an alternative HTML version of your full flash website because that will enable you to optimize it properly. Furthermore, visitor will get an option to view your website either in Flash or in HTML depending on the speed of his internet connection.
Use and Utilize HTML Tags: – It is quite obvious that a full flash website is not half as good as other HTML websites, but still there are rooms for improvement. Since you all know that Google cannot crawl anything that is included in the <embed> </embed> tags, you should try to utilize some HTML tags as much as possible. Flash sites usually come with this below-mentioned structure:
<embed>Your Non-Indexable Flash Code </embed>
Therefore, if you add something within this structure, it will never get visible to Google or any other search engines. To make it visible to search engines, you need to use this below mentioned structure for this purpose:
<title > SEO friendly Flash Web Design Meta Title </title>
< — use other meta and header elements in this space — >
<embed>Your Non-Indexable Flash Code </embed>
Now, these are all you have to make your website a little bit more SEO friendly. Try to be accurate while writing the Meta Title and Meta Description section since, this is what Google is going to get from your website.
Use NoScript Tag: – This is most important tag that you need to utilize at its best. It will let you add content that will be featured whenever there is a rendering problem. The probable structure of the code will be:
<title > SEO friendly Flash Web Design Meta Title </title>
< — use other meta and header elements in this space — >
<embed>Your Non-Indexable Flash Code </embed>
Feature some content that goes with theme and nature of your website or service. Be sure to add keywords here since it is visible to Google and other search engines.
Use Crawlable Text Links: – You need to make sure that text links of your flash website is crawable otherwise those pages might remain invisible to the eyes of Google. To make your links crawable, you need to add text links within <div> </div> tags:
<a href=”//www.webguru-india.com/”>Website Design Company Home Page</a>
<a href=” //www.webguru-india.com/about-us.php “>About WebGuru</a>
<a href=” //www.webguru-india.com/contact_us.php “>Contact WebGuru</a>
Make sure that these links are not added within the <embed> section.
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