Home Blog Website Design Services 5 Popular Website Design Trends In 2017
Trends, an outcome of constant analysis and heavy research are often the most integral part of the process that takes a company forward. A Website, one of the pillars on which a company stands, is subjected to the ongoing evolution of trends. The Website Design industry has already gone through numerous phases over the course of years and it should be continuously updated to suit the needs of the time. In this blog we will discuss the popular website design trends of 2017.
Some of the trends listed below will define Website Design in the year 2017 and beyond. They have been in use among website design services in the earlier years but have now undergone an upgrade that is expected to contribute greatly to the goodwill of business websites.
Web designers have been using the Parallax technique of scrolling since the early days of 2011. It is still widely used to amplify the user’s online interaction and experience while using the website. Parallax designing uses various background images and alters the speed of their movements to create an illusion of depth during web surfing. Though there are a few downsides to having a parallax site, it is inarguably one of the better tools to engage a viewer in the activities of the site. The background or some of the images on the website move at a different pace than the rest of the page, thus making an impressive visual. This animation technique can be used to guide the user on the site and to evoke their curiosity which makes page visits last longer.
Single Page Application (SPA), a relatively modern website design technique, is steadily emerging as one of the popular trends in 2017. An increased usage of Javascript frameworks like AngularJS, BackboneJS and others, leads to lesser page refreshes. This, in turn, results in faster loading websites and an optimized viewing experience for the user. SPAs also possess the ability to realign and reconfigure any part of the UI that does not necessarily involve retrieving HTML through a server round-trip.
With an increase in the use of mobile devices to access web content, websites are now adopting ways to present users with content that are ultra responsive to their activities. This is where Accelerated Mobile Pages come in as a subset of HTML which uses only certain JavaScript components. It is specifically developed to create reading content and is customized to not cause any deterioration in its performance. Unlike slow loading sites, AMP enabled sites definitely rank higher on search engines due to their advanced mobile friendliness and swift loading capabilities. Additionally, these sites can be distinguished by a thunderbolt sign which appears before the site’s name when accessed through the Google Chrome browser on a mobile device. This makes it simpler for mobile users to identify the AMP sites and be rewarded with web content instantaneously.
Canvas Animation, a comparatively recent inclusion in the field of website design is growing in popularity as a trend. Former static web content can now be animated, leading to increased user interactivity and lower bounce rate. Canvas Animation must not be confused with GIFs as the latter can only integrate images on a web page to create a looping style video, without allowing any interaction with the rest of the web page. The canvas element in HTML5 can be used to convert almost anything on a web page into an animation. Unlike Flash, which is used as an external file the canvas element is embedded directly into the HTML coding using Document Object Model (DOM). This is useful as it allows Canvas to interact with the other elements on the page. One of the other benefits of using the Canvas element is its cross-browser feature that eliminates any need for additional plugins to function.
Though it might be enticing to follow trends blindly and include too many while creating a website, 2017 is the year where a de-cluttered look would seem more appealing. This necessitates wider and longer web pages, large yet sleek font and bigger, more prominent images for an ultra-minimalist look. To achieve such a look, professional Website Design experts also make use of white spaces and flat colours that lend a classier feel to the website. Hyperlinked texts which act as entry-ways to more information are also carefully incorporated throughout the website instead of populating the pages with an excess amount of content.
This is the age of digital evolution. Web Design Trends will come and go depending on their usability and popularity. One has to study user demands and understand the relevance of any new trend before implementing it on a website. Careful planning, thorough discussions and brainstorming sessions should precede any website design activity. If you need help, you can talk to a professional website design company for further explanation. They will give you a better insight into the latest trends and help you create a website that amplifies user experience. Consulting these experts will minimize risks and help you stay ahead of the curve.
Years of
Really useful information! I will look forward to reading more of your posts. Keeping a track, update soon please.
Thanks for Sharing Valuable information Regarding website design trends. 🙂
Thank you for this great article.keep more updates.
Thanks for the marvelous information. keep more update about Parallax scrolling techniques. I need more detail information about Parallax scrolling . Thanks Again.
Really excellent information… Thank you!
Great, informative information! I’ll be looking into canvas animation 🙂
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