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Home Blog SEO Services A Look At Google Search After 10 Years

A Look At Google Search After 10 Years

  • 13 May / 2013

The rapid pace of technological advances is ushering in radical changes in our lives every few years. At first, computers could only comprehend command line instructions but currently computers are capable of understanding as well as analyzing human behaviour, and can also suggest products based on individual needs. Interestingly, we now have computer applications that can even replicate human decision procedures and rudimentary neural networks. Our generation has witnessed a number of technological advances and the future developments are beyond prediction. Now, the point is, with technology having such a huge effect on our lives, what form will our favourite Google search adopt after another decade?

Google laid down the standards with its ground breaking search engine algorithms dating back to the early 90’s. At that time, Google search happened to be the only search engine to take into account the relationship existing among web pages along with the count of the appearances made by the search phrase within a web page. Backed by continual innovations, Google became so popular that the word “Google” almost turned into a verb. The company always has a competitive edge and is a dominant personality in the internet associated services market. Let us probe into the video depicting Matt Cutts, who heads the Google Webspam team and is one of the significant faces behind the up gradation of search algorithms of Google, and see how he visualizes Google 10 years from now.

Comprehension Power of Google will increase

According to Matt Cutts, Google might not be fully equipped with artificial intelligence 10 years from now, but it will definitely become much more than a search engine. Google would enable people to go for searches using multi-mobile input rather than only entering keywords within the search bar. Matt is hopeful of an increased reality experience through the use of Google glasses, microphones, voice input devices, Smartphones and other sensors for carrying out searches in Google anytime.

There is also the probability of a brain-computer interface through Google Search in the days to come, wherein people would be capable of sending commands to the search engine simply with thoughts. Presently, users are capable of conducting searches though keywords and it is predicted that the search engine would be equipped with voice recognition ability and will be empowered to comprehend the search contexts. Interestingly, Google might even be capable of analyzing earlier searches to come up with proper results even if the search phrases are unclear and have certain words missing.

Google will be more powerful in finding information

Going by Matt’s prediction, Google would be capable of fusing or synthesizing information from diverse sources and come back with correct content and not simply website links in search results. Google Knowledge Graph has already started doing this and the technology has the potential to become more intelligent and intuitive in future.

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