Home Blog SEO Services Google Unveils Its New Favicon
Google’s new favicon has become the talk of the town. It seems that it has become a habit of Google to hog the limelight of the technology industry by launching new features in every now and then. Google has introduced a number of new features such as Knol, Gmail theme, SearchWiki and of course Favicon in a trot. It is assumed that Google wants to concertize its position further in this online industry by making extensive experiment on its appearance and tools. The newest addiction to it is Google new Favicon which has already created a ripple through out the world. The main reason behind the launch of this new favicon, according to some sources, is to improve its appearance in some new platform such as iPhone or other types of mobile devices.
Now, before analyzing its possible impacts, all we need to have a fair concept about the term “favicon”. “Favicon”, also known as “bookmark icons”, “url icons”, “shortcut icons”, “website icons” etc, is nothing more than a small image that appears simultaneously with the url of a website in a browser. A multi-resolution image is used for creating a favicon and it is usually displayed either in the favorite menu or on the Address line.
Making a paradigm shift from its famous “G” favicon, Google this time goes further by using four different colors ( red, blue, yellow and green) in its newest favicon. Google has once again reverted to its stylized small “g” for making a powerful impact on its millions of users through out the world. Though Marissa Mayer, the Vice President of Search Products & User Experience, confirms the fact that this favicon is definitely not the final output. In point of fact, Mayer asserts that Google will further its experiment with its favicon as Google is famous for its unending pursuit to better its functionality. Here we are sharing some of the unique favicons created by Google which were never implemented:
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