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Home Blog Website Development How Agile Can Improve The Quality Of Web And Mobile App Development

How Agile Can Improve The Quality Of Web And Mobile App Development

  • 25 May / 2019
Agile For Web And Mobile App Development

The process of developing a well designed, user-centric and intuitive application can be a grueling and complex one. Whether the app is being created for the web, or targeted towards mobile platforms, the fact remains that to develop a successful app just the technological know-how is not enough: you need to have a fool-proof development methodology in place that allows for interaction among the clients and developers, helps in the incremental development of the application, and is spread across all stages of the app’s progress.

Agile is just such an approach to application development. Involving continuous, iterative collaboration between specialized teams and the end-users across all levels of app development, Agile has gained immense popularity among website development services as well as mobile app development services. As of 2018, 91% of software development organizations are using Agile as the predominant methodology (source:

In this post, we are going to discuss exactly how Agile can improve the quality of web and mobile app development. But first, let us discuss a bit about what Agile actually is.

What is Agile?

Agile is a software development methodology which involves an iterative and incremental approach to the development process. Using Agile, the entire project, be it a web or mobile app, is broken down into a number of sub-projects or modules. Each module is then developed independently by separate cross-functional teams which work in close collaboration with each other as well as the clients. The project is developed and integrated over several iterations or “sprints”, which incorporates all aspects of the app development process, staring from design to development, testing, release and feedback. Due to the immense benefits provided by Agile, every top web development company as well as mobile app development services is moving towards this style of development.

Now that we have an idea of what Agile is, let’s see how Agile can improve the quality of web and mobile app development.

Rapid Application Development

One of the most obvious ways in which Agile boosts the quality of app development is that it allows for speedy execution of ideas into reality. In the Agile process, the entire application is distributed into independent modules which are developed simultaneously by separate teams which work in close collaboration with each other. This allows for rapid development and testing of the apps at each level of creation, which ultimately translates into a better quality product.

Enhanced Stakeholder Collaboration

The Agile process emphasizes on continuous collaboration between all the participating stakeholders. This allows the development team to be in close communication with the clients, thus helping them to have a better idea about the clients’ requirements. Also, fully functional modules are presented to the clients after each sprint, and any feedback is quickly incorporated into the next sprint. The outcome of this iterative process is quality software, which is the main reason website development services have adopted this method.

Improved Features and Customizations

The sprint-based development method, along with continuous client communication allows new features and improved customizations to be included at all levels of the development process. Also, any changes required by the customer can be easily integrated during successive sprints. This helps to make the application more robust, feature-rich, and meets the clients’ requirements.

Ensures Cost Effectiveness and Productivity

As the Agile process is incremental by nature, project schedules are fixed. This helps website and mobile app development services to deliver on-time and on-budget products. It is common knowledge that in the tech industry, timely release is essential to the cost effectiveness and success of any application; this is exactly where the Agile process assists by ensuring reduced costs of app creation and properly scheduled release. Ultimately this translates into quick return on investments and reduced market risks. From a Project Management perspective Agile is the perfect way to create applications.

Customer-Centric App Development

As aforementioned, the Agile process places great emphasis on integrating the customer feedback and suggestions into the different stages of application development. This makes for a more customer-centric app development, the end-result being a feature rich, quality application that exactly suits the customers’ requirements.

The web and mobile app ecosystem is a complex space where change is the only constant. The Agile methodology helps to navigate this region by providing a sound and robust system based on which apps can be developed. Incorporating improved design and testing methods, better stakeholder communication, rapid development and cost effectiveness helps to deliver high quality end-products. If you want your app to be built using Agile, contact a top website development company today.

Rajdip Datta

Rajdip Datta

Rajdip Dutta is a project manager & an avid purveyor of the latest trends in mobile app development. His blogs provide a deep insight into the field.

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