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Home Blog Website Development Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring Dedicated Developers

Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring Dedicated Developers

  • 29 Sep / 2022
Mistakes You Should Avoid When Hiring Dedicated Developers

When hiring developers for a project, it’s important to ensure you’re doing everything possible to avoid making mistakes. This blog outlines the most common hiring mistakes people make and how to avoid them. By knowing the pitfalls to avoid, you can save yourself a lot of time and trouble down the line.

Outsourcing your project’s development work can also have several benefits. With experienced developers on your team, you can focus on more important things – like core business activities. White label outsourcing is a common practice among small companies and startups that don’t have the expertise or resources to complete the development of their envisioned project. It helps them have an experienced and flexible team of full stack developers on hand that knows exactly how to build the project from the scratch. At the end of the day, outsourcing might even help accelerate the time your project takes to reach the markets.

Mistakes to Avoid

Hiring the right developers for your project can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of research and strategy, the process can be much smoother. Here are six mistakes you should avoid when hiring developers:

1. Choosing a Company Without Research

Choosing a developer without doing proper research can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction down the line. Make sure you clarify what your needs are – don’t be fooled by lowball offers, for example. Furthermore, make sure to check out the company’s track record and reputation before signing up or contracting with them. You can also look for information about them on their website, social media pages (such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), or through customer reviews on popular business directories such as Clutch or GoodFirms. Pay attention to how long they have been in business, how many projects they’ve delivered, and the technology stack they’re proficient in. This way you’ll know if they have the requisite experience for your specific project.

2. Limiting Yourself by Geography

When it comes to finding the right tech people, don’t be limited by geographical boundaries. Instead, take a wider perspective and consider hiring developers from across the world if necessary. This way you can get superb quality work at a price that is lower than average. For example, if you outsource your project to Indian developers, you’ll get stellar work but at significantly low prices.

Of course, it is also very important to keep in mind that you will have to constantly communicate with your developers. So you must keep language barriers in mind when choosing a team. Looking across the ocean for inexpensive developers won’t mean anything if you can’t understand each other.

3. Prioritizing Price over Value

Price isn’t always the most important factor when it comes to choosing a developer. Of course, you need to take care of your budget, but you should try to prioritize skills and experience over price. This way, you can be sure that the developer will be able to provide great value for your money. Skilled and experienced developers should always be preferred over those who are willing to offer lower rates simply for the sake of doing so.

Developers that offer unnaturally low prices usually lack the required skills and experience which can result in an inferior app that won’t stand up to scrutiny or even fail altogether. In fact, getting an inexperienced team is often more costly down the road as mistakes are made that require more time and effort to repair or fix. Dedicated teams on the other hand can help offset higher development expenses with a quality product that will likely earn you more money in the long run.

4. Imposing Unreasonable Deadlines

Setting unreasonably short deadlines is never a good idea. It will not only lead to the product being delayed, but it might also have negative consequences on its quality as well. Furthermore, rushing your dedicated team with tight deadlines will only create dissatisfaction and tension in the short term. Instead of trying this strategy, it is better to go with longer timelines that allow team members enough time to get their work done efficiently and at a high standard.

An optimal, industry-standard working schedule for teams is something like 40 hours per week or 8 hours per day. If you set unreasonable deadlines, your team might be forced to work overtime, which isn’t good for your project. According to studies, teams working around 60 hours a week show a dramatic decrease in productivity from the fourth week (Existek).

5. Not Interviewing the Developers

When it comes to hiring software developers, the right approach is to have a scrutinized process. Make sure you are screening for the right talent and don’t just take the first developer you meet. Look at multiple companies if you have doubts. It’s also important to make sure that you have a proper set of questions prepared in advance so that any red flags can be detected early on. For example, if you’re looking to hire Magento developers, make sure you ask questions about their prior eCommerce development experience and specific features offered by the latest version. Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions as this will help build trust between both parties and achieve better communication throughout the development process.

6. Ignoring NDAs and Privacy Policies

Data – most businesses and projects run on vast amounts of it. And with the development of Artificial Intelligence and its incorporation into businesses, sensitive information is even more at risk. That’s why you need to make sure you are aware of the company’s NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) and privacy policies in order to protect your confidential data.

Developers work with confidential data on a daily basis; as such, ensuring that all parties involved adhere strictly to NDA and privacy policy terms is essential for protecting your business interests. Once again verbal assurances are not enough – this needs to be legally documented in order to be effective. Only then should any consideration be given towards taking actions based on these promises.


When it comes to finding the right developer for your project, you need to be thorough and do your research. Hiring the wrong developer can have serious consequences for your business, so it is important to avoid making these common mistakes. By ensuring that you thoroughly vet your candidates, you can reduce the risk of hiring the wrong developer for your project.

Raju Chakraborty

Raju Chakraborty

The CEO of WebGuru Infosystems, Mr. Raju Chakraborty writes from a place of experience on websites, app development, and digital marketing.


  1. Find an expert software developer who suits your project. The blog has explained well how to outsource a project’s development work without any hassle.

  2. Outsourcing a project’s development work to professional developers is certainly the best way to complete the project without any hassle. However, should you want to choose the right developer, you should definitely read this blog. It explores some of the most common pitfalls you need to avoid while looking for a developer. Great read.

  3. A thoroughly written blog on Dos and Donts before hiring a developer. Business owners looking to outsource their projects should take note of it.

  4. Hiring a developer can help complete your project in a faster and hassle-free manner. The blog, however, does its best in showing some mistakes that you should avoid when hiring developers. Nice read.

  5. We appreciate your comments for the mistakes that businesses often do while hiring developers.

  6. When the main objective is to choose the right developer for the right purpose, neglecting the factors mentioned in this blog can lead to misjudgment in selection. So, in the process of hiring developers, one must delve into the specific areas mentioned in the blog.

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