Home Blog Mobile App Development Mobile App or Mobile Website – How to Make a Choice?
The fast paced advancement in technology, the continuous emergence of sophisticated smart phones and a high speed internet access; these factors have completely transformed the way users now browse the Internet. This redefined user interaction has influenced many companies to shift towards ‘Mobile First’ approach for their business.
Know the Basics:
A Mobile website or a responsive website involves designing the website for optimized display across multiple screen sizes and devices using a single code base. Whether this approach meets the challenges of the mobile world completely depends on what the business is trying to achieve. Mobile Websites provide improved usability by reorganizing the contents and bringing mobile specific features to the forefront.
A Mobile application or more popularly a Mobile app is a software application that is designed to perform a specific set of functions. Each app is specific to a mobile device’s operating system and requires to be downloaded to the device. A mobile app combines web versatility with touch enabled device functionality. It is compatible with the key smart phones, provides feature like rich look and feel, GPS Services, offline browsing and video capabilities, thus making it easier to deliver the business content to the mobile audience.
Know the Difference:
Mobile Website or Mobile App, both the approaches have their advantages and drawbacks. Careful analysis should be performed to ensure that the mobile solution selection is based on the right considerations. Let us view a comparative analysis of both the approaches for a better insight.
Last but not the least, a factor to consider is your current analytic if available. If you have an existing website, Google Analytics can be used to see which mobile devices have been mostly used to access your website. This will give you a quantitative data for choosing the right time to opt for the mobile app based on exact operating system.
The solution that you choose should be based on your target audience and business goals. Before making a decision, you should evaluate both the options and select the technology that best suits your requirements. If you want to set up an easy to maintain, controllable solution, Mobile Website is your pick. However, if you want to build a high quality product for a better experience, high end performance and seamless transactions, then Mobile App should serve you better.
Years of
It’s not a secret anymore that mobile apps and websites boost sales, hold loyal customers and expand business reach. Nicely put together. I would say it depends on the nature of the business and target customers.
Mobile App or Mobile Website – How to Make a Choice?