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Home Blog Digital Marketing Services Tips for LinkedIn Marketing in 2025

Tips for LinkedIn Marketing in 2025

  • 23 Jul / 2022
  • 7 min Read
Tips for LinkedIn Marketing in 2025

LinkedIn isn’t just for job hunting anymore. It’s a goldmine for digital marketing services, with over 830 million people using it around the world. Want to really make the most of it? First off, set up your company page.

It’s like your brand’s online shop. Then, start posting content that’s going to grab people’s attention—mix in some quick, snappy posts with longer, more detailed ones. Don’t overlook LinkedIn Live; it’s a big deal for getting people to engage. And here’s a tip from the pros: get your team in on it. When they share your stuff, it reaches a whole lot more people. Oh, and timing is key. Most people check LinkedIn while they’re at work, so plan your posts to hit them when they’re most likely to be online.

While initially popular as a portal where people could display their skills and find better job opportunities, over time LinkedIn has become much more. Today, LinkedIn has more than 830 million users across over 200 countries and is the largest professional networking platform of its kind. Job seekers aren’t the only people using LinkedIn anymore. This makes LinkedIn an absolutely essential platform for your brand when it comes to marketing to professionals.

LinkedIn marketing involves using the platform to grow your brand awareness and build long-lasting business partnerships. The platform manages to generate leads 277% more effectively than either Twitter or Facebook. LinkedIn marketing has now become an integral part of many digital marketing services and has proven very effective in growing your professional network.

Best Practices in LinkedIn Marketing in 2025

Here are a few tactics that you should incorporate into your LinkedIn marketing strategy in order to get the best results.

1. LinkedIn Profile & LinkedIn Page

In LinkedIn, the primary difference between a Page and a Profile is the amount of privacy afforded. Pages are public and generally used by businesses. Users can follow LinkedIn Pages without having to send a connection request and then wait for approval. A page will let you promote your brand as a unique entity, separate from your personal profile. When a user shares content you have posted, it will introduce their own connections to your page and all its content as well. This means LinkedIn Pages have genuine potential for high reach and engagement.

On the other hand, the purpose of LinkedIn Profiles is different. They are primarily used by individuals, and while they can be followed too, what makes them different is their ability to have private one-on-one conversations with connections. Anyone on LinkedIn can request to connect with you, making them a valuable addition to your professional network. If you work in direct sales, are a consultant, or simply like to take a personalised approach to your business, then this tactic can be very useful for you.

2. Post Company Content

Today, content marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. LinkedIn’s content platform is effectively allowing businesses to engage with each other and share data in a professional context. It can be a great way to grab your followers’ attention and keep them engaged with your brand.

A number of businesses with great content lose out on exposure simply because they forget to post on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has become well-known as a platform with one of the longest content lifespans. If you have a company blog, remember to either share the links on LinkedIn or repurpose the content for posting on LinkedIn. This can be applicable for any type of content, whether it’s a press release, an overview of new services, or even longer story-like posts.

Quick, short, and bold posts manage to grab attention and are effective on LinkedIn. At the same time, long-form stories from life are also popular here, capturing the attention of a lot of readers and even leading them to research more about you, your company, and your services. You should make sure you incorporate both of these kinds of posts into your content for the best effect. Now that LinkedIn also has native video support, make sure you also share your own videos directly on the platform for maximum views and brand exposure.

3. LinkedIn Retargeted Ads

LinkedIn is an up-and-coming force in the world of social media advertising and marketing for B2Bs. This means there is now enormous potential for conversions through LinkedIn Ads. With the help of LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences Tool, you can now retarget visitors who have previously been to your website. Like on Facebook, you can also pay to reach a wider audience. In the B2B arena, particularly, leads generated through LinkedIn have much better chances of fitting your sales funnel. LinkedIn Ads also provides you with the option of adding emails to target ads. With the help of LinkedIn Ads and the Matched Audiences Tool, you can always be sure of who exactly you are advertising to.

4. InMail Receives Better Responses

InMail messages is a premium LinkedIn feature that you can use to directly message other users that you aren’t connected to. While not free, it is a must-have tool when it comes to LinkedIn marketing. Not only can you directly reach any user on LinkedIn at any time, you’re not limited to how many people you can connect with within a timeframe either. The average InMail has a 10–25% response rate, which is significantly greater than your average email. They also include analytics, which you can use to make ad spending decisions and tactics.

5. Participate in the Network

What LinkedIn primarily tries to provide you is a professional network. As such, make sure you engage and participate in the network rather than just try to sell. Research your potential customers’ wants and needs. Make sure you can provide some sort of value to them before actually reaching out and trying to build a relationship. If you can’t personally answer someone’s queries, guide them in the right direction and connect them to someone else within your network who can help.

LinkedIn groups are an often overlooked feature. Not only are specific groups in various industries and niches great places to research clients, but they are also excellent places to actually engage with a number of people. As you actively participate in the conversation, your recognition and credibility as a brand grows among potential employees, clients, leads, business partners, and more.

6. Leverage LinkedIn Live

Streaming live video has emerged as a dominant force in online advertising, and LinkedIn is at the forefront of this trend. LinkedIn’s live video broadcasts are captivating, attracting 7 times more reactions and 24 times more feedback compared to standard video content. This situation offers a prime chance for companies to interact directly with their followers.

Think about organising monthly question-and-answer (Q&A) events to tackle frequent issues in your field. Or, highlight your company’s vibe by offering sneak peeks into your workspace. Demonstrations of your products can be especially impactful, enabling prospective buyers to witness your products in use and pose questions immediately.

LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, so your posts should be relevant and beneficial to your followers. Although it’s important to be engaging, steer clear of gimmicks or content that’s too informal, as this could fail to connect with your professional network.

7. Optimise Your Posting Schedule

The right time to post on LinkedIn can greatly affect how well your content performs. Although there’s no universal approach, studies indicate that posting during the work hours on weekdays generally works best. According to Buffer, the ideal time usually ranges from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, when professionals are more likely to browse their LinkedIn profiles.

Nonetheless, it’s important not to simply adhere to these recommendations without question. Each group of followers is different, making it essential to try different strategies and evaluate the outcomes. Utilise LinkedIn’s analytics features to monitor the times when your content receives the highest level of interaction and make necessary adjustments to your posting schedules.

8. Utilise Showcase Pages

Showcase pages are frequently neglected on LinkedIn, yet they can be immensely beneficial for companies that offer a wide range of products or projects. These specialised pages enable you to emphasise particular parts of your business without overwhelming your primary company profile.

For instance, a technology firm could maintain distinct Showcase Pages for its cloud offerings, hardware products, and application solutions. This strategy lets you customise your content for particular market groups, offering more relevant and focused details.

9. Focus on Employee Advocacy

Your staff could be your most effective marketing asset on LinkedIn. When your employees share company content, it spreads an incredible 561% more than if it were posted through the company’s official channels. This fact alone should highlight the importance of staff advocacy in your LinkedIn strategy.

Motivate your team to take an active role in your LinkedIn marketing activities. This might include updating your company’s page, sharing their professional experiences, or interacting with content related to their field. This approach not only broadens your audience but also makes your brand more relatable and highlights the knowledge of your team.


LinkedIn is often underutilised as a platform for marketing. However, what makes it so useful is that it doubles up as a social networking platform and a job listing portal. This means you have lots of different kinds of potential audiences waiting on LinkedIn to help you grow your business.

LinkedIn marketing is very nuanced and multi-faceted. Keeping up with the latest trends on LinkedIn is an absolute must for relevant content and successful marketing on the platform, and the LinkedIn Marketing Blog is a great place to start. Here, you can find quality posts on a large, curated range of topics, which can help you market much more effectively. The blog will also always keep you up-to-date on the latest updates and features and help you understand the platform and its nuances much better. Another great resource that LinkedIn itself offers is the Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn, which provides all the knowledge a marketer needs to get started on LinkedIn and get the best value for their brand. With these points in mind, you should be able to easily create an effective LinkedIn marketing campaign that will easily boost leads as well as conversions.

Priyanka Agarwal

Priyanka Agarwal

An expert digital marketer with vast knowledge in SEO, SMO, and the like, Priyanka Agarwal writes about the latest trends in digital marketing.


  1. Marketing on LinkedIn nowadays has become important, however, it is a true fact that without the right strategy it is not possible to get the best outcome. The writer in this blog has shared some very genuine and on-point tips, and has made it easy to understand what areas to consider and how. Thanks for this well written write-up. 

  2. Some great insights here… All points have been articulated nicely. Looking forward to reading more articles from you!

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