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Home Blog Digital Marketing Services Twitter: Reflecting The True Trends or Another Trend Setter

Twitter: Reflecting The True Trends or Another Trend Setter

  • 11 Mar / 2010

Trend tends to change every single second. Be it in science, art or in the glamorous world, trend has to be followed to keep pace with the changing environment and changing lifestyle. However, just a few years back, the impact of a new trend was not as severe as it is now. First it was Facebook and now it is Twitter that is keeping us updated with the news that is powerful enough to shape the world. What started as a simple medium of expression, has eventually evolved or to be precise, metamorphosed into a powerful medium whose sole purpose is to reflect the on going trend and news around the world. But as the days wear on, it is becoming more or less clear that Twitter is slowly but surely taking a new shape on which it has no control. It seems that it is heading toward an inevitable end and that is becoming another trend-setter, which is anything but impressive.

Collection of News or Creation of News

From presidential election to simple tête-à-tête, Twitter is probably the best place on earth to discuss them. However, the entire news has to be summed up within 140 characters and that means, it has to be unique, informative, descriptive and pithy. Here lies the uniqueness of twitter. At the embryonic stage, Twitter started as a medium to reflect the things that were troubling the people in general or that had massive impacts on our life. But gradually, it has finally evolved as a medium where people gather just for the sake of gathering and nothing else. It is becoming a platform where people are discussing things that have already been featured in the list of popular topics. It is getting crammed with users who are ever willing to create new trend rather than voicing their concern on the ongoing issues.

Twitting For The Sake Of Twitting

The massive popularity of Twitter is showing no immediate sign of slowing down as the celebrities of tinsel town are joining the bandwagon to get more publicity. Now, what they discuss there has nothing to do with the on going trend in general, rather they form their own community and start posting what they like. However, it is not just the celebrities, people of different educational background are joining the fray for getting instant popularity but what they all do is to promote or create new trend that is beneficial for them. This is something that does not go in line with the main purpose of posting topics in Twitter, but as we have said earlier, Twitter has probably no control over it and it is slowing emerging as another trend setter.

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1 comment

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