Home Blog SEO Services User Friendly SEO Tips to Enhance Visitor’s Experience
Website design is not about displaying your creative skills exclusively, but it also demands for a right balance of logic and practical approaches to attract more visitors. While for many designers and content writers, on page SEO is an evil barrier to their effective content strategy, but as a professional it is important that you understand the significance of SEO and how it can enhance a visitor’s experience.
Change Your SEO opinion
It’s time that you get updated about the new trends in SEO and change your conventional perceptions that keyword stuffing, stilted words and linking are the best effective tactics of SEO. The scenario of web industry has changed for better with Google and SEO services coming a long way since the days of those practices.
Google has designed and trained its spiders to think and work like humans, thus ensuring that best meaningful contents highlighted instead of those that try to game the system with user friendly content tricks. Here in this article we have tried to bring for you seven tips about on page SEO that will help you build a highly effective site that is solid and SEO friendly:
1. Use of Primary Keyword Phrases at the Beginning
To avail maximum benefit of SEO techniques, use the primary keyword of your website, i.e. the main topic of the page, at the beginning of the heading title. Google rewards web pages that use its prime keywords in the headline, thus helping readers to find their needful easily.
2. Bold Text Usage for Keywords
Using bold text for keywords is a successful practice that helps both search engines and users to find contents that are relevant and important. It is a good discipline to attract the focus of readers and search engines to the main theme of a web page. But make sure that you do not use too much bold text, as it tends to confuse a reader.
3. Use of Bullets
Using bulleted lists in your webpage content is another effective practice that can help you enjoy beneficial results. It is observed that search engines consider bulleted contents with higher importance, and it is equally applicable with readers as bullets makes readability easier and effortless for them.
4. Keyword Usage in Call to Action Links
Linking relevant keywords with related webpages makes another useful SEO tips that helps alert the reader as well as search engine about the content of the new page. Allow your readers know about the content of the webpage with help of link using keywords so that they can enjoy better navigational experience.
5. Primary Keywords at the Beginning of Meta Titles
Many designers remain indifferent about the meta title of a webpage but as they believe readers don’t see it in general. But as a professional it is important to know that the title tag of a webpage plays a significant role in determining its success in search engines. It not only helps understand the subject or topic of the webpage but also improves the readability of web content.
6. Strong Internal Link
Interconnection of links in webpages makes the new trend in search engine optimization that is making it big in the market. You need to link different web pages in a logical manner so that it becomes easier for readers to search and navigate. Moreover, it also helps in SEO as search engines give more importance and weightage to webpages that exhibit strong internal links.
7. Optimization of Site Images
To avail the best SEO results for your website, optimizing the site images also make an essential need. If the website images are not upto the standard of good usability, you may miss out on good opportunities. Follow the following three guidelines to optimize the site images for better visitor experience:
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